Legal Defense Fund for Pittsburgh Activist (organized by Max Emiliano Gonzales)


This past summer, as civil unrest to police brutality, erupted globally, Pittsburgh saw its own clashes with the local law enforcement and national guard. Throughout these protests, many were arrested and many have been charged. In this case, a local activist and comrade have been accused of several Federal Felonies. If convicted, this accused could face a severe and lengthy sentence.

They will need the best defense possible; however, our comrade is in an extremely financially insecure position right now, as the result of these charges and their eventual arrest.  We have identified legal representation for the accused, and we are now attempting to fundraise to meet the needed costs.

We are shooting for $10,000 dollars.

If any amount more than that is donated, the remainder will be given to the local non-profit, SisTers Pgh.